Sunday, August 9, 2009

Uh-oh, I Bought Shoes!

Posted by luvrin at 8:19 PM
I went out and bought these shoes today. Shhh! Don't tell the partner! He's forbidden me to buy anymore shoes as I have lots already, but I just had to have this one. It was 30% off! So now it's sitting in the boot of the car, hidden away. I don't know how I'm going to take it out of the car without him knowing. I also don't know when I'll get to wear them. I'll probably have to wait awhile before it's safe to do so! But they look hot with jeans.

I'm a little dissapointed, I wanted to buy two others but one style they didn't have, and one they did have and it looked great, but when I tried it on it wasn't comfortable at all. Like, it was digging into my toes and made my toes look all squishy. I wanted to get it but I know I wouldn't be able to wear them for long before they'd start to hurt, so I did the smart thing and let them go. They were so pretty though. *sobs* Why can't all shoes be comfy?!

I really want to go to a bigger store and look for the other one that I want. You can order it online, but my credit card is maxed out. Boo hoo! So I'm not sure what I can do just yet. I'll probably end up paying my credit card off just enough so I can purchase it. But if I order it and it arrives, won't P be like "wtf"?! Oh, the joys of having a partner. NOT. I don't want to be sneaky but I don't want to be deprived either. If I want something, I have to have it. Why can't men understand that?


Lolita Riot on August 10, 2009 at 4:09 AM said...

love!!! sometimes I say a friend got them for me or gave them to me hehe! Sneaky sneaky! I so miss wearing heels.. but I have to wait for my toe to heel which will take awhile ;(


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